Wednesday, April 28, 2010


ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!! DO NOT join the group currently on facebook with the title "becoming a father or mother was the greatest gift of my life". This is a group created by *pedophiles whose aim is to access your photos! Please copy & paste this to your status before people start using your picture. ...............PLEASE ...ALL PARENTS BE AWARE! COPY AND PASTE THIS SO ALL YOUR FRIENDS SEE

That is my fren's facebook status scary human can be...never tot those psiko can use this kind of way to find source for their come..lately, klu tgk CSI, Criminals Mind, Numbers, Without Trace dan sume cte penyiasatan yang ade kt tb tu mesti ade diorang ni...ade skali oprah pernah ketengahkan isu ni lam talkshow dia tu..diorang p ikut serta ikut polis p serbu kt sebuah rumah yang disyaki mendownload gambar2 mcm da p yang ade lam umah tu spasang suami isteri yang berumo linkungan polis pun tangkap la bapak diorang n rampas sume pc y ade kt umah tu...lam ati aku pun ckp sian bini dia sbb ade laki cam pengakhirannya pc tu bkn kepunyaan si bapak tp si anak yang br berumo lam lingkungan 15-17 thun..waaaaaaaa---and the scary thing is they have like 2 young daughters living in the same house...would u imagine there's pedophiles living in ur house watching ur daughters n then the most unthinkable thing he's is ur world really getting upside jika ditangkap, prison will be 'living hell' to them...sbb 'jenis' diorang lebih cenderung untuk dibunuh-dicedera-dibuli (buli ke)-oleh inmates len...scary world huh-predator vs alien?

here's some tips for parents to avoid this :

How can you protect your child?

We can do a lot to prepare our children for some of the dangers in life, but unfortunately, we cannot always stop bad things happening to them. We try to protect our children from being hit by a car and so we teach them road safety, (without scaring them with all the gory details and making them so frightened that they won’t cross a road). In the same way we can try to protect our children from the dangers of pedophiles.

  • Be suspicious if an adult seems more interested in spending time with your child than with you. It might be that he or she offers to look after your child, or wants to be alone with your child or take your child on a holiday.
  • Be wary of people who are overly kind, affectionate or loving towards your child or who give your child lots of gifts. Remember, most people have good intentions, so don't jump to conclusions.
  • Be very choosy about leaving your children with others. Ask them how they feel about being cared for by that person. Try to work out what your child is saying with his behaviour - this is how very young children can tell us if they are afraid or upset.
  • Teach your children about different parts of the body and which are their own private parts. Advise them to tell someone they trust if anyone, even someone they know very well, tries to touch their private parts or suggests something they don’t want to do which makes them feel scared or bad. You could look at the Kid's Health topic 'Keeping yourself safe' for ideas about how to talk about this with your child.
  • Children need to know it's important to keep on telling someone until they are taken seriously.
  • Teach your children to try and get away as quickly as possible from any person who makes them feel uncomfortable or frightened and to then tell people they trust about what has happened.
  • Teach your children never to keep secrets that make them feel uncomfortable or bad. Always listen to your children and trust what they say even if you are shocked by it. Act upon the information so your child feels supported by you.
  • Teach your children that adults are not always right. This will help them if a pedophile tells them the abuse is okay and not to tell anyone.
  • Teach your children about some of the dangers in using on-line chat rooms (internet). Explain why you are concerned. Find out how you can have more control with your children's use of the internet.
  • Children should always go to and from school with their parents or other children if possible.
  • Teach your children never to go into public toilets alone. It is also wise for children at school to go to school toilets during breaks rather than alone during a lesson.
  • Teach children to always tell you where they are going. If they are followed or frightened they should knock on the nearest door and ask for the Police to be called. Many children have a mobile - make sure they have two or three adults' phone numbers if they can't get you.
  • Always answer your children’s questions honestly and at a level that they can understand, even if you are embarrassed.

for more klik here

*pedophiles are attracted to children, and children only. They show little erotic interest in adults their own age

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